$25/Plate (BBQ Pork and Chicken)
Celebrating all the good things God has done through the ministry of FCA, in Garrett County and the surrounding WV communities. Our dinner is a major fund-raising opportunity. Although there are personalized donor meetings, church visits, and asks throughout the year, this Dinner is the our opportunity to make an ASK in this type of a public setting. In addition to the ASK, we are hoping to have a silent auction on outdoor gear and equipment.
Message us or call with your questions concerning this event
301-616-5657 Melody F., Administrative Assistant
240-321-0965 Shane S., FCA Area Director
301-616-9849 Scott W., Leadership Broad Chair
Cost: $25/plate (BBQ Pork & Chicken)
When : Friday, April 6, 2024 6 PM (Doors Open at 5:50pm)
Please be aware that we submit our guest numbers to the caterer a week before the dinner date.
Where : Loch Lynn Church of God | 8649 Gorman RD, Oakland, MD